48 Intentional New Year Journal Prompts for Reflection

Have you reflected on the previous year yet? Have you started thinking about what you want the new year to look like?

If you just answered “no” to either of these questions, no worries! Now’s the perfect time to begin and get ready for a fresh start in the new year 🙂

One of the best ways to set intentions for the coming year and reflect on the old year is to use journal writing prompts. By implementing mindful journaling, you will increase your self awareness and inevitably experience personal growth along the way.

The following new year journal prompts will help you learn from this past year so that you can make this next year of your life the best one yet – whatever that looks like for you.

These journaling prompts will also help you determine your new year resolutions and any new goals that you want to set for yourself in general.

So let’s dive in!


This post is all about 48 new year journal prompts.

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Mindset Journal Prompts

Whether or not you realize, your mindset impacts your entire life. The good news is that it’s always something that can be worked on! The following journal prompts will help you think about aspects of your life a little more deeply and ultimately help you grow as a person.


  • What’s something that you love about yourself?
  • What’s something about yourself that you want to work on in the new year?
  • What’s something you did in this last year that you are proud of?
  • Who is someone you look up to? Why do you look up to them?
  • Who do you miss the most?
  • What’s one goal you want to accomplish in the new year?
  • What are you looking forward to most in the new year?
  • What were the highlights of this past year?
  • If you could change one thing about this past year, what would you change?
  • What’s one thing you overcame this last year?
  • What’s one bad habit you have that you’d like to break?
  • What’s one of your favorite memories from this past year?
  • What’s one way you got out of your comfort zone this past year?
  • Make a gratitude list. What are 3 areas of your life that you are grateful for?

Money Journal Prompts

Whether you are happy with your finances or it’s something you want to work on, these money journal prompts will help you get clear on what you want to improve upon in the new year.


  • What’s one aspect of your finances that you think you are doing well in?
  • What’s one aspect of your finances that you want to improve?
  • What’s a financial goal you have for the new year?
  • What was your biggest financial mistake of the last year?
  • What was your biggest financial win of the last year?
  • What’s something you want to save for in the new year? How much do you want to save?
  • What’s your biggest financial concern right now?
  • What was your favorite purchase of the last year?
  • What was your least favorite purchase of the last year?
  • How much money do you make now? How much money do you want to be making?
  • What is your dream job? Do you currently have your dream job?

Health Journal Prompts

Do you feel good about your health? Or is it something that you really want to focus on and improve in the new year? Whatever the case may be, these health journal prompts will help you make a plan and get focused.


  • What’s one health goal that you want to accomplish in the new year?
  • What’s one health goal that you accomplished this past year?
  • What do you want to improve about your mental health in the new year?
  • What do you want to improve about your physical health in the new year?
  • What do you need to focus on to improve that thing? How will you improve?
  • What’s one thing in terms of your health that you want to do less of in the new year?
  • What’s one thing in terms of your health that you want to do more of in the new year?
  • What was your favorite way to get exercise this past year?
  • What was your favorite go-to healthy meal this past year?
  • Is there someone in your life that inspires you to be more healthy? Who is that person?
  • What’s something new you want to try in the new year to improve your health?
  • Are there any new workouts or new workout programs that you’d like to try in the new year?

Career Journal Prompts

The following career journal prompts will have you really thinking about how you performed in your career this past year, and will get you started with some goal setting for the new year.


  • What’s one big goal that you want to accomplish in the new year in terms of your career?
  • What’s one thing you did this past year at work that you wish you did differently?
  • What’s one new skill you want to improve upon or learn more about in the new year?
  • What’s one thing that you felt you got better at in your career this year?
  • Do you feel like you are on the right career path for you? Why or why not?
  • When’s the last time you got a promotion or a raise?
  • Who is your favorite person to work with? Why are they your favorite?
  • Who is your least favorite person to work with? Why are they your least favorite?
  • Who do you admire at work? What characteristics make them admirable?
  • What was your favorite project to work on this year? Why was it your favorite?
  • What’s something that you learned in your career this year that you wish you could tell your younger self?


The main goal of this journaling practice is to reflect on the last year of your life and identify growth opportunities for the future. By answering these prompts and creating these journal entries you will absolutely start (or continue) to craft your ideal life in the new year.


This post is all about 48 new year journal prompts.


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About Taylor

A few years after graduating college, Taylor made it her mission to become debt free. After paying off all $60k of debt, she began to blog about what she's really passionate about: personal development. Nowadays, Taylor blogs about the topics of Mindset, Money, Health, and Career for women. Read more about Taylor here.

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