How to Budget Using the Balanced Money Plan (50-30-20) Method

In 2005, Elizabeth Warren and her daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi, wrote a book called All Your Worth, and in it they describe the Balanced Money Plan; a simple formula that promises to help people determine how much of their paycheck they should be spending and how much they should be saving. Since 2005, the Balanced Money […]

4 Ways to Save Money on Spotify

4 ways to save money on spotify

There are a few different things you might want to consider that could save you money as a Spotify user. And if you don’t currently use Spotify but are interested, this post can help you better understand your options! If you don’t know what Spotify is, it’s an awesome platform for Music and Podcasts. I’ve […]

2 Ways to Save on Your Cell Phone Bill

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Each month, Verizon sends me a bill for my iPhone 8 Plus. This is not a cheap phone (and oftentimes I wonder why I even got it in the first place!) but I’ve found two ways to decrease my phone bill by $156 a year.   Here’s how I save money on my cell phone […]