7 Insane Student Loan Debt Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind

Do you have student loan debt? If so, you’re not alone. This article will dive into the most surprising student loan debt statistics to show just how wide-spread the impact of student loan debt really is. 1. About 46 Million Americans Have Student Loan Debt [1] If you graduated college, it wouldn’t be much of a […]
How to Retire with $1 Million by 65

I recently traveled to Cartagena, Colombia for a wedding. I had never been to Colombia, or even South America for that matter, but I am so glad I had the opportunity to do so. What a wonderful city with so much culture. The picture at the top of this post is of the sunset over […]
2 Ways to Save on Your Cell Phone Bill
Each month, Verizon sends me a bill for my iPhone 8 Plus. This is not a cheap phone (and oftentimes I wonder why I even got it in the first place!) but I’ve found two ways to decrease my phone bill by $156 a year. Here’s how I save money on my cell phone […]
3 Ways Budgeting Can Help You Pay Down Your Student Loans
If you have student loans and you find yourself spending more than you intended month after month, you might want to consider budgeting. Now budgeting isn’t for everyone. There are plenty of people out there who don’t budget and are able to manage their loans just fine. But for me, not budgeting usually means spending […]