100 Funny Work Affirmations For A Positive Day


This post is all about funny work affirmations for a positive day.

Funny work affirmations for a positive day.


Did you know that over “half of American workers want to change jobs”? According to a research study conducted by Zippia on the average job satisfaction in the U.S., more than half of American workers are ready to move on from their current jobs and find a better fit.

Does this sound like you?

If so, I get it. Going to work day after day doing the same things over and over can get old FAST. Especially if you don’t feel that you are being paid enough and/or the work that you’re doing doesn’t feel meaningful or impactful. 

But that’s why you need funny work affirmations to make your day just a little bit better.

These sarcastic and funny work affirmations might not help you get paid more, but they can definitely help bring a smile to your face : )

You work hard, and you deserve to have some fun in the process!

Here are the 100 best and most funny work affirmations for a positive day.


Quick Navigation:

Funny Affirmations For Monday Morning

Funny Work Affirmations For A Bad Day

Funny Positive Affirmations About Difficult People

Cheesy Affirmations About Hard Work

Fun Affirmations About Making A Positive Impact

Funny Work Affirmations For Having A Good Morning


Funny Work Affirmations For A Positive Day


Funny Affirmations For Monday Morning

Want to start Monday off with a little sarcasm? Here are some great funny affirmations for Monday morning to do just that.


1. Coffee first. Conversations second.

2. I’m confused as to why people think it’s okay to say “hello” to me on Monday mornings.

3. The first person who tries to talk to me today is getting side-eye.

4. My name is Ms. Positivity.

5. I’ll handle anything that comes my way today. Well, maybe not anything.

6. Today I will expect the unexpected.

7. I love when people tell me that I “look tired”.

8. Today will be a great day…until someone tries to talk to me.

9. Monday mornings are not for work, they are for weekend-recovery.

10. Call me Eeyore on Monday mornings and I will tell you that you’re not wrong.

11. My sense of humor is the only thing that’ll save me from today.

12. The people that say I’m a nice person haven’t tried to talk to me on Monday mornings.

13. Today I will not be a part of the negative committee. I’ll save that for tomorrow.

14. Today I will do my best to stay calm before my coffee kicks in.

15. It’s Monday, so I’ll take a deep breath, drink my coffee, and handle it.

16. There are so many awesome things about today, the most awesome being that I get to leave work at 5pm.


The people that say I'm nice person haven't tried to talk to me on Monday mornings.
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Funny Work Affirmations For A Bad Day

Having a bad day? These funny work affirmations will cheer you right up!


1. The little voice in my head tells me I should quit but my voice of reason whispers, “you have bills to pay, sweetie.”

2. I may be having a bad day but at least I still have my sense of humor!

3. Plot twist: my bad day is about to become a ridiculously amazing day.

4. There’s nothing that a bowl of ice cream can’t fix.

5. Strong people get through the toughest of times. It’s a good thing I am semi-strong.

6. I might be having a bad day but there’s nothing that can stop my positive energy from flowing.

7. Even on my worst days, I am still incredibly good looking.

8. Thank goodness I am an adorable badass.

9. The older I get, the less I care.

10. I’ve never met a bad day that I didn’t conquer.

11. I will be OK. First, I will cry. But then I will be OK.

12. Thank goodness for my coworkers who always give me a good laugh.

13. Bad days might knock me down but they won’t keep me down.

14. Dory was right when she said to “just keep swimming”.

15. Good news: today is a bad day which means tomorrow will be better.

16. I might be having a bad day but at least I didn’t break my funny bone.

17. When someone asks me to stay late, I politely say “no, thank you”.

18. It’s a bad day but a positive life. Usually.


Every day brings new challenges, like trying to avoid people who want me to do things for them.
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Funny Positive Affirmations About Difficult People

Do you work with some difficult people? Here are some funny positive affirmations that’ll give you a laugh and provide a little distraction from your struggle.


1. The best way to handle difficult people? Ignore them. Unless they tell your boss. Then maybe don’t ignore them.

2. Some people just don’t understand my funny ideas, but that doesn’t mean they’re not funny!

3. Good things come to those who wait. And to those who avoid mean people.

4. If someone asks me to do something today, I may just have to take the day off.

5. Difficult situations come and go but difficult people are forever.

6. I asked my coworker if he forgot to put on his “positive pants” today. He positively did not like that comment.

7. I will have a good day no matter what kind of people come my way. Or I’ll cry. One of the two.

8. An easy way to get your work done fast? Pawn it off on other people.

9. I always laugh when people ask me to do something for them. I don’t think they like that very much.

10. If I want to protect my mental health, I must avoid the difficult coworkers.

11. My team members are my best friends. Or at least I call them that.

12. I have great problem-solving skills especially when it comes to avoiding (the solution) difficult people (the problems).

13. A little humor never hurt anybody. Unless I’m the one saying the joke and no one laughs…then I’m hurt.

14. I bring good vibes and then the difficult people just crush them.

15. When my difficult coworkers take the day off, it’s a vacation day for me, too, because I don’t have to deal with them.

16. Humor is a powerful tool, if only people knew how to use it more.


My company does great things like paying me a salary.
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Cheesy Affirmations About Hard Work

Don’t feel like working hard? Here are some corny and funny affirmations to help get you through your work day.


1. Sometimes I work hard, but mostly I do not.

2. How to avoid hard work? Go home.

3. I have a problem: someone actually asked me to do something today.

4. Each day, I get better and better at avoiding my boss.

5. Thanks to my sense of humor alone, I am a great asset to this company.

6. Without me, people would probably get more done but they’d also be very bored.

7. I am grateful for the interns that do all of my work for me.

8. Every day brings new challenges, like trying to avoid people who want me to do things for them.

9. Today, I choose to work hard, but only if someone asks me to.

10. Being the funniest person in the office is hard work.

11. Hard work is for interns.

12. I am not interested in promotions if they require more work.

13. I prefer emails to meetings unless the meetings are the ones where we sit around and do nothing.

14. Somehow when I work from home, I still show up late.

15. I was really excited about being offered this job until I realized I actually have to work.

16. They do the hard work and I bring the funny vibes.

17. I enjoy teamwork because then I have someone else to blame when things go wrong.

18. I can’t wait for retirement when my weekends are seven days long.


A good morning is a morning where I can work from home without having to do the work part.
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Fun Affirmations About Making A Positive Impact

Do you make a positive impact at your work, or do you wish you did? Here are some funny working affirmations about making a positive impact if so.


1. The only thing I am passionate about at my job is leaving at precisely 5 p.m.

2. My dream job is no job at all.

3. I love what I do, especially when nobody bothers me while I’m doing it.

4. I would have a more positive mindset if they would pay me a more positive paycheck.

5. My positive impact on my company is that I am funny. What more could you ask for?

6. My company does great things like paying me a salary.

7. It’s not always easy to show up to work but I try to do the right thing.

8. I’m grateful that my company lets me be me, otherwise there wouldn’t be a single funny person in the office.

9. I may not do much but at least I put people in a better mood.

10. If someone asks me for help I will find them my best coworker for the job!

11. I have a positive impact on my company…usually.

12. It’s a good day at work if I can convince everyone that I’m working without having done a single thing.

13. I show up to my job because they pay me and because… well, that’s it.


A good morning at work involves free food, free drinks, and a pay raise.


Funny Work Affirmations For Having A Good Morning

If you want to have a good morning or start your day off with a laugh, check out these affirmations for having a good morning.


1. Today I’m gonna throw on some gangsta rap and handle it.

2. A good morning for me requires coffee and PTO.

3. Today will be a good morning simply because I’ll be sending all of my coworkers my favorite TikTok videos.

4. I always think positive thoughts like, “thank goodness for unlimited PTO and free snacks”.

5. As long as no one messages me before 9am, it’ll be a good morning.

6. The best morning is a morning where I’m told I get to leave early.

7. Good mornings consist of video calls where I don’t have to turn my camera on.

8. A good morning is a morning where I can work from home without having to do the work part.

9. A good morning is a morning where I remember to mute myself before complaining about my coworkers.

10. A productive morning for me is one where I get out of bed and get dressed, and that’s about it.

11. I don’t work well in the mornings… or at any other time of the day.

12. Even the calendar says WTF after Monday and Tuesday.

13. My favorite coworkers are my pets.

14. I keep my dreams alive by hitting the snooze button.

15. A good morning at work involves free food, free drinks, and a pay raise.

16. People need to realize I’d be much nicer to them if they stopped giving me work to do.

18. As long as everyone I don’t like is on PTO today, I will have a good morning.

19. Good things come to those who wait for someone else to volunteer.

20. I practice self love by calling in sick and sleeping in.


This post was all about funny work affirmations for a positive day.


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A few years after graduating college, Taylor made it her mission to become debt free. After paying off all $60k of debt, she began to blog about what she's really passionate about: personal development. Nowadays, Taylor blogs about the topics of Mindset, Money, Health, and Career for women. Read more about Taylor here.

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