It’s Per$onal is an anonymous blog series designed to shed light on the intricate details of the personal finances and lifestyles of women.
What’s your name?
How old are you?
Where do you live? City and State (or Country if outside the U.S.)
Minneapolis, MN
Do you like where you currently live? Why or why not?
Yes and no, Minneapolis is a great city but I didn’t plan to stay here as long as I have. I’m currently exploring some other options.
What is your highest level of education?
Are you single / in a relationship / married?
In a relationship/engaged
If you are in a relationship / married, do you and your partner have joint or separate finances?
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Do you have any children / dependents?
Do you have any pets?
Yes-one dog
Do you find it easy or hard to make friends?
Hard-I’ve generally kept the same friends since college. Friendships take so much energy to grow and maintain.
Do you have any hobbies? Please explain.
Being active-running, Pilates, skiing in the winter, soccer. I also enjoy reading and cooking.
Has Covid-19 impacted you financially in any way?
Not in a negative way. I was able to use some of my stimulus checks to pay of debt/save.
About how much do you spend on groceries each week?
For 2-around $550. We mostly cook at home and shop at more expensive stores.
What is your total monthly rent / mortgage for your household?
What is your current occupation? If not currently employed, please say “Not Employed”
IT Auditor
If you are currently employed, do you like your job? Why or why not?
I like some parts of it. I am not very passionate about my work but I enjoy my boss and coworkers. If that changed I would consider leaving.
What is your yearly salary (or approximate yearly compensation) for your current occupation?
75,000 without bonus
Do you have a second job or side hustle? If Yes, please explain.
If you have a second job or side hustle, about how much money do you make monthly from your second job / side hustle?
Have you ever been promoted at work? Please elaborate if so.
Yes-I have been promoted twice so far. I’ve been with the company about 5 years and have been promoted about every 2.
Have you ever negotiated your salary?
No-I started right out of college and didn’t really know how to.
Are you debt-free?
If you are debt free, how much debt have you paid off and how long did it take you to pay it all off?
If you do have debt, what kinds of debt (i.e. credit cards, student loans, car) and how much debt do you have?
Student Loans-17,000 and Car-18,000. Car loan is shared with my partner.
Are you currently investing for retirement?
If yes, about how much do you have invested for retirement?
I have about 80,000 saved so far.
What’s been your favorite purchase of 2022 so far?
My pilates membership. Finding a workout class I like has made a huge difference.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self? (Doesn’t have to be money-related)
Committing to something/showing up is the hardest part. It never ends up being that bad.
What are your money goals, if any?
Saving up for a long term break from working in the next 10 years.
What is your #1 financial concern right now?
Paying off my student loans. I am in grad school so they are not collecting interest so it is hard to motivate myself.
What financial victory/success are you most proud of?
Saving up our entire wedding budget almost a year ahead of time and being able to pay things off as we go.
What makes you imperfect?
I will never give up my coffees and pastries no matter how many people say I should!