120 Creative Affirmations That’ll Spark Inspiration

Affirmations for creativity are incredibly powerful tools for creatives. Not only can they help you when you are doubting yourself and feeling lost, but they can offer perspective and help you get back on track with your creative work.

This post is full of 120 creative affirmations for all types of creatives. If you are a struggling creative or you could simply use a tool that reminds you of how far you come and how much potential you have, these affirmations will do the trick.


This post is all about 120 affirmations for creativity that’ll spark inspiration.

positive affirmations


What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements, usually written in first-person and starting with the word “I” that one can say to themselves to spark more positive, helpful thoughts.

Affirmations can be stated aloud to oneself, written on a piece of paper or in a journal, or even said in your head! The purpose of affirmations is to flip negative or defeating thoughts so that you remember who you are and what you are capable of, even when times are tough.

You can say the same affirmation to yourself over and over again, or you can choose a few affirmations that you really love.

No matter how many you choose, it’s very helpful to practice saying or writing these affirmations on a daily and consistent basis.

The more you say them to yourself, the more your mind will truly begin to believe them and adopt them – and the better you will feel.

If you choose not to say or use affirmations on a daily basis, you can always use them right before you need them.

For example, you can use affirmations when you are having a particularly hard day or when you are about to give a big presentation that you are nervous for. Affirmations can help you on the spot through trying times like these as well.


How can affirmations spark creativity?

Because affirmations have the ability to help you shift your thoughts, they can help you unlock your potential, believe in yourself a bit more, and help you think in new ways.

When you think in new ways, creative and unique thoughts come to mind. For example, you could be having a creative block and not know which direction to go in.

But by saying an affirmation like, “new ideas constantly come my way”, you give your mind permission to open up, stay positive and welcome new thoughts that really will come your way.

Using affirmations is definitely better than wallowing around, expecting the worst. If you want change, you have to do something different.

And affirmations are a great way to do something different that can bring so much positive change to your life!


120 Affirmations For Creativity That’ll Spark Inspiration


Affirmations for Artists

If you are an artist, here are affirmations that you can use on a daily basis to really lock-in to your goals and remember just how talented you are:

  1. I am a successful artist.
  2. My artistic abilities are one of my favorite things about me.
  3. A powerful way I connect to myself is through my creative endeavors.
  4. Creative expression is something that gives me fuel for life.
  5. My artistic talents are the reason for my creative projects.
  6. I am proud of my natural talents.
  7. The infinite creativity of the universe washes over me every day.
  8. My abundance of creative energy is one of my strongest talents.
  9. I have a constant flow of creativity.
  10. I always trust my gut when navigating projects.
  11. I experiment with a wide variety of styles and disciplines.
  12. I will not rush the process.
  13. Artistic energy flows through me at all times.
  14. I have unique creative talents that I am so proud of.
  15. I have plenty of time to do what I need to get done.
  16. I know great things are on the horizon.
  17. I will not give up on my creative pursuits or on myself.
  18. My creative side is something that brings me so much joy.
  19. I will focus on projects until I no longer think it benefits me to do so.
  20. I will constantly work to improve and polish my creative skills.
  21. Art is my passion and I am so happy that it found me.
  22. The more I practice being creative, the better results I will have.
  23. I have ample time to complete my project in peace.
  24. I will take my time and let the use of my talents carry me through.
  25. I am in love with my artistic creativity and I cannot wait to share it with the world.
  26. People love my work, and I love my work.
  27. I will always be an Artist, even when I don’t feel like it.
  28. I love what I do, and for that I am so grateful.
  29. How lucky am I to have found a creative outlet that I love so much.
  30. Artistry is my passion, and I am so happy I discovered it.


daily affirmations


Affirmations for Creative Blocks

Creative blocks happen to everyone, but they don’t have to completely derail you. Sometimes they are here for a short time, and sometimes they are here because we need to rest and recharge. These affirmations will help you navigate your creative blocks:

  1. New ideas constantly come my way.
  2. I have an incredibly creative mind.
  3. Good ideas flow to me constantly.
  4. I am a creative person who always has innovative ideas.
  5. I will always keep an open mind when being creative.
  6. I am a creative problem solver.
  7. My flow state is always activated at the best times.
  8. I have an endless supply of creativity.
  9. My creative block will soon subside.
  10. My creative juices begin flowing whenever I need them to.
  11. I will always have lots of unique ideas.
  12. My creative flow can be turned on and off whenever needed.
  13. New ways to do things are plentiful.
  14. I always come up with great ideas and new ways of doing things.
  15. Good things take time.
  16. I will go somewhere new to have new experiences and escape my creative block.
  17. Today I will try something that scares me.
  18. I focus on my very next move, not the finish line.
  19. I will take time to rest and recharge when I need to.
  20. Inspiration is everywhere if I just look for it.
  21. Even if I’m not sure how to start, I will begin.
  22. Deadlines are part of my process, and I’ve always met them.
  23. Today I will move slowly and wait for inspiration to strike.
  24. I may not know where I am going, but I will move forward regardless.
  25. Even when I move slowly, I am still moving.
  26. My creative blocks never last very long.
  27. There is usually always a good reason for my creative blocks.
  28. Today I will get out of my comfort zone so that my creative block can disappear.
  29. I welcome creative blocks, I am not scared of it.
  30. My process will unfold on the timeline that it is meant to.


Affirmations for Creative Confidence

Are you lacking confidence when it comes to your work? Everyone feels this way from time to time, but by using these affirmations, you will be quickly reminded of just how talented you are:

  1. My creative process is unique to me.
  2. I live a very creative life.
  3. I am surrounded by creative people.
  4. I am a unique, creative genius.
  5. My natural creativity comes out just when I need it to.
  6. Fresh ideas are just a few seconds away.
  7. I can operate in a creative state of mind on a regular basis.
  8. My inner child helps me generate new, original ideas.
  9. I have a very imaginative mind.
  10. I operate with a creative confidence that cannot be taken from me.
  11. My creative ideas are unique to me and no one else can come up with them except me.
  12. I am always getting better at what I do.
  13. I am constantly improving.
  14. New experiences and new things coming into my life allow me to be creative in original ways.
  15. I am always coming up with new solutions to the same old problems.
  16. I have come up with genius ideas in the past and I can always do it again.
  17. My only competition is me.
  18. The only person I compete with is a past version of myself.
  19. I will make future me proud with my creative endeavors.
  20. I am confident and capable to create the artwork of my dreams.
  21. I can always come up with creative solutions – it’s what I do best!
  22. My own creative energy and persistence is what separates me and my work from others.
  23. I am surrounded by people who believe in me and my work.
  24. I know deep down that this is what I am meant to do.
  25. My creative work is more than just what I do, it is who I am.
  26. I am grateful that I found my passion – I know this is what I am meant to do.
  27. Each day I am grateful for my skills and I know I am blessed.
  28. I am more capable than I even realize.
  29. I am so thankful for all those that believe in me, because they help me believe in myself.
  30. I will keep going, no matter what.


subconscious mind


Affirmations for Positive, Creative Thoughts

As a creative, it is normal to get down on yourself and feel like giving up, but you know it’s best to keep putting one foot in front of the other, even when it feels so difficult to do so. These affirmations will help you maintain positivity even when it feels impossible:

  1. Positive thoughts and brilliant ideas are everywhere.
  2. Doubting my skills it normal, but I never dwell for too long.
  3. Negative thoughts do not stay with me for long.
  4. I practice positive thinking every single day.
  5. I always say positive statements, not negative ones, when I want to spark creative thinking.
  6. The best way to be creative is to be myself.
  7. My creative work can never be taken away from me.
  8. No one else can create what I create.
  9. No one else thinks the way that I think.
  10. I believe in myself and my creativity on daily basis.
  11. My creative potential is virtually untapped and I am excited to see what’s to come.
  12. Being creative is a great way for me to express myself.
  13. Even when times seem tough, I will practice having a growth mindset.
  14. My personal growth is always top of mind.
  15. I am an innovative thinker and I always have been.
  16. I will take a few deep breaths each day and let my imagination soar.
  17. No one can ever take my unique creativity away from me.
  18. My daily ritual helps me to be the creative person that I know I am.
  19. New possibilities are before me every day.
  20. I am taking my creative passions to new heights with each day and nothing can hold me back!
  21. I am so grateful for my artistic abilities.
  22. I can’t wait to reach my goals.
  23. The only way to fail is if I give up.
  24. I cannot fail because being a creative is my passion.
  25. Each new day is a new opportunity to pursue my dreams.
  26. People believe in me, and I believe in myself.
  27. I may not know if the path I am on is the right one, but at least I am doing what I want to do.
  28. Life is short, and I am so glad that I am taking advantage of it and doing what I love.
  29. I have big goals and an even bigger vision for myself.
  30. I may be scared, but deep down this feels right.


16 Motivational Quotes for Creatives:

  1. “It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot
  2. “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
  3. “Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso
  4. “The other side of every fear is a freedom.” – Marilyn Ferguson
  5. “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” – Carl Sagan
  6. “A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.” – Ayn Rand
  7. “Remember the two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn’t work; and second, the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach.” – Roger Von Oech
  8. “Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.” – Henry Ford
  9. “All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” – Michael John Bobak
  10. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou
  11. “Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent, and independent, with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play.” – Henri Matisse
  12. “The creative person is willing to live with ambiguity. He doesn’t need problems solved immediately and can afford to wait for the right ideas.” – Abe Tannenbaum
  13.  “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” – Sylvia Plath
  14. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe
  15. “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” – Beverly Sills
  16. “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” – Helen Keller

In Conclusion

If you are reading this article, it’s evident that you are a creative that doesn’t want to give up.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other, look for inspiration everywhere, and you will make your way to your dreams!


This post was all about 120 affirmations for creativity that’ll spark inspiration.


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A few years after graduating college, Taylor made it her mission to become debt free. After paying off all $60k of debt, she began to blog about what she's really passionate about: personal development. Nowadays, Taylor blogs about the topics of Mindset, Money, Health, and Career for women. Read more about Taylor here.

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