It’s Per$onal is an anonymous blog series designed to shed light on the intricate details of the personal finances and lifestyles of women.
How old are you?
Where do you live? City and State (or Country if outside the U.S.)
San Diego, CA
What is your highest level of education?
Are you single or married?
If you are married, do you and your spouse have joint or separate finances?
Do you have any children or dependents? If yes, please explain.
What is your total monthly rent / mortgage for your household?
Has Covid-19 impacted you financially in any way?
What is your current occupation? If not currently employed, please say “Not Employed”
Paralegal – J.D.
What is your yearly salary (or approximate yearly compensation) for your current occupation?
If you are currently employed, do you like your job? Why or why not?
It’s okay for now
Do you have a second job or side hustle? If Yes, please explain.
If you have a second job or side hustle, about how much money do you make monthly from your second job / side hustle?
Do you budget on a consistent basis? If so, please explain how you currently budget:
Yes, monthly using an app
Are you debt-free?
If you are debt free, how much debt have you paid off and how long did it take you to pay it all off?
Do you have any student loan debt currently?
If yes, about how much student loan debt do you have?
What is your monthly student loan payment amount?
Do you have any credit card debt?
If Yes, about how much credit card debt do you have currently?
Do you have any other kinds of debt? If Yes, please explain:
Car – $5,260
Do you know what your credit score is?
If Yes, what is your credit score?
Are you currently saving for retirement?
If yes, about how much do you have saved for retirement?
What does an ideal retirement look like for you?
What’s your biggest purchase of 2020 so far?
Car maintenance – Tires/Brakes/Rotors
Biggest purchase of your life?
What do you spend money on that brings you joy?
Food/Groceries, I love to cook! & My dogs.
What are your short term money goals, if any? ( < 1 year)
Pay off 2 credit cards and maintain $3,000 emergency fund
What are your long term money goals, if any? ( > 1 year)
Be credit card and student loan debt free, then buy a house and invest/save for retirement
What is your #1 financial concern right now?
Paying off debt as fast as possible
What financial victory/success are you most proud of?
Maintaining an emergency fund to avoid accruing more debt, and paying off one credit card so far.
Anything we didn’t ask about you that you want to include?
Just getting started on my debt free journey as of 2/11/2020
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