It’s Per$onal is an anonymous blog series designed to shed light on the intricate details of the personal finances and lifestyles of women.
How old are you?
Where do you live?
San Jose, California
What is your highest level of education?
Are you single or married?
Not married, but live with my boyfriend
If you are married, do you and your spouse have joint or separate finances?
Do you have any children or dependents? If yes, please explain.
What is your current monthly rent / mortgage?
Has Covid-19 impacted you financially in any way?
What is your current occupation? If not currently employed, please say “Not Employed”
Sales/account management
What is your yearly salary (or approximate yearly compensation) for your current occupation?
If you are currently employed, do you like your job? Why or why not?
I do, it is fast paced and keeps me busy. I work for a company in an industry I enjoy and there is a lot of room for career growth within the company. My schedule is very fixed and I am fortunate to be able to step away from work each evening when I leave.
Do you have a second job or side hustle? If Yes, please explain.
If you have a second job or side hustle, about how much money do you make monthly from your second job / side hustle?
Do you budget on a consistent basis? If so, please explain how you currently budget:
Yes. I track my finances each month and allocate money after each pay check. I make sure to have just enough money in my checking and everything else goes to savings or debt.
Are you debt-free?
Do you have any student loan debt currently?
If yes, about how much student loan debt do you have?
Only about $3000 left
What is your monthly student loan payment amount?
Do you have any credit card debt?
If Yes, about how much credit card debt do you have currently?
Do you have any other kinds of debt? If Yes, please explain:
I owe about $7500 left on my car. Monthly payments are $215
Do you know what your credit score is?
If Yes, what is your credit score?
Are you currently saving for retirement?
If yes, about how much do you have saved for retirement?
My current plan is to save for a house, but I need to knock out the last of my debt first.
What does an ideal retirement look like for you?
I live pretty conservatively now so would love to continue my current lifestyle comfortably with the ability to travel.
What’s your biggest purchase of 2020 so far?
Nothing big in 2020, probably just plane tickets.
Biggest purchase of your life?
My car and a horse.
What do you spend money on that brings you joy? Or, what do you tend to splurge on?
My horse. This is a big internal conflict for me because it is so expensive. It is my passion and enjoy spending time and training every day so I do feel that I get my money’s worth. But I probably spend about $1200 a month boarding, training, and caring for my horse. I am not oblivious to how lucky I am to be able to afford this. But I do know I could be saving a lot more money without him.
What are your short term money goals, if any? ( < 1 year)
Pay off my debt and save $10K+ in the next year.
What are your long term money goals, if any? ( > 1 year)
Save enough to purchase a house with my boyfriend and start investing more.
What is your #1 financial concern right now?
The amount of money spent on my horse.
What financial victory/success are you most proud of?
Being extremely close to paying off my student loan debt. I predict to be there in the next few months! And then will likely tackle the car payments next.
Anything we didn’t ask about you that you want to include?
It’s Per$onal is an anonymous blog series designed to shed light on the intricate details of the personal finances and lifestyles of women.
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