It’s Per$onal #83 – Age 24, Southwest Michigan

it's per$onal

It’s Per$onal is an anonymous blog series designed to shed light on the intricate details of the personal finances and lifestyles of women. How old are you? 24   Where do you live? City and State (or Country if outside the U.S.) Southwest Michigan   You might also like to read about Megan from Detroit. […]

Paying Off Debt? 2 Books You Must Read for Motivation

2 motivating books to pay off your debt

The following books helped me tremendously on my journey to paying off $60,000 of student loan debt, so if you have student loan debt (or really, ANY kind of debt) you should definitely check out these books for help on paying off your debt more quickly!   If you’re paying off debt, here are 2 […]

How to Retire with $1 Million by 65

I recently traveled to Cartagena, Colombia for a wedding. I had never been to Colombia, or even South America for that matter, but I am so glad I had the opportunity to do so. What a wonderful city with so much culture. The picture at the top of this post is of the sunset over […]

2 Awesome Podcasts for Money Motivation

If you have a financial goal and want to accomplish it (whether that be saving for a big purchase, paying off your debt, or retiring early) there are countless podcasts out there that’ll keep you motivated and help you reach your goal faster, all while being fun, interesting and entertaining. Here are 2 podcasts for […]

2 Ways to Save on Your Cell Phone Bill

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

Each month, Verizon sends me a bill for my iPhone 8 Plus. This is not a cheap phone (and oftentimes I wonder why I even got it in the first place!) but I’ve found two ways to decrease my phone bill by $156 a year.   Here’s how I save money on my cell phone […]