42 Amazing Fall Journal Prompts For Reflection

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Here are 42 fall journal prompts you can use this fall season to reflect on your life so far this year. Using fun fall writing prompts is a great way to reflect on and write about things you wouldn’t normally, but also a great tool to get to know yourself better!

Fall is a great time of year to reflect on the current year while also getting excited for the upcoming year. If you’re looking for some autumn journal prompts that you can use to reflect, this blog post has the best fall journal prompts!

These fall-themed writing prompts are good for anyone at any age. These creative writing prompts cover all sorts of fall topics like your favorite fall food, fall memories from childhood, and so much more.


This post is all about the best list of fall writing prompts.

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What is a journal prompt?

Journal prompts are questions or statements designed to give you an idea or topic to write about in your journal. Journal prompts make journaling a little bit easier because instead of having to think about what you want to write about, the journal prompts give you something to write about!

Journal prompts are also really fun because when you answer them or respond to them, your answers might surprise you, make you laugh, or bring back a memory you completely forgot about.

If you want to take some of the pressure off yourself when it comes to coming up with something to write about in your journal, journal prompts are a great solution for that.


Where do I find journal prompts?

You can find journal prompts in many places online. If you’re looking for journal prompts for the new year, you should check out these 48 Intentional New Year Journal Prompts for Reflection.


What should I journal about daily?

The beauty of a journaling practice is that it can be anything you want it to be. If you’d rather journal every few days or weeks instead of daily, you can absolutely do that.

While social media may have you believing that journaling isn’t as effective if you don’t do it every single day as part of your morning routine, it’s important to remember that how you journal is totally up to you.

You can write your to-do list, give updates on things you’re going through in your life, draw pictures, vent – whatever you’d like.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to journaling, and you should never feel like how you express yourself in your journal isn’t good enough.

If it makes you feel good, it’s enough!


What can I write about fall?

There are so many things that you can write about the fall season – you can write about what it looks like, smells like, your favorite memories, you favorite Halloween costumes you’ve had — there are truly so many things that you can write about!

Lucky for you, we’ve put together these journal prompts to give you some great ideas if you’re not sure what you should write about for this fall season. So let’s dive right in!


42 Fall Journal Prompts:


1. What’s one thing you’re proud of accomplishing this past year so far?

2. What’s one thing you want to accomplish before the year ends?

3. If you made goals for this year, are there any that you’ve already accomplished?

4. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?

5. Who do you want to spend more time with before the year ends?

6. When you think of the fall season, what movie first comes to mind, if any?

7. When you think of the fall season, what book first comes to mind, if any?

8. Name 3 things that you are grateful for.

9. What is your favorite food in the fall?

10. What is your favorite drink in the fall?

11. Do you have a favorite fall outfit? If so, why is it your favorite?

12. Think back on your childhood – do you have a favorite fall memory?

13. What five words would you use to describe the fall season?

14. When’s the last time you dressed up for Halloween, if at all? What did you dress up as?

15. How are you feeling right now physically?

16. How are you feeling right now mentally?

17. Think about daylight savings time. Do you prefer when the clocks fall back and we get fewer hours of daylight, or when they spring forward and we have a bit more?

18. What do you think is the most beautiful season and why?

19. Have you ever been to a fall festival? Describe it if you have.

20. Describe your perfect fall day.

21. What is your favorite pumpkin-flavored food or drink? (Ex. pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin seeds)

22. What is your favorite apple-flavored food or drink? (Ex. apple pie, apple cider, apple turnover)

23. The school year usually starts in the fall. What’s one memory you have about any first day of school?

24. Make a fall bucket list. What are 3 things you want to do during the fall season?

25. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, what is your favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?

26. What is your favorite activity to do during the Fall?

27. How has your mental health been over the last year?

28. How has your physical health been over the last year?

29. Have you ever been to a pumpkin patch before? If so, when was the last time?

30. Do you have any fall-related family traditions?

31. Have you ever done a corn maze before? If so, how’d it go? Did you like it?

32. Where do you live? Do you get to see any colorful leaves during the autumn season where you live?

33. Do you like the cooler temperatures that typically come with the fall season? Or do you prefer warmer weather?

34. What is one of your favorite things about the fall season in general?

35. Where’s the best place you’ve been to see the leaves change different colors in the fall?

36. What is your favorite time of the year, specifically?

37. What is the temperature today for where you’re located? Have you already had your first frost of the season? Or will that not even happen?

38. Have you ever picked apples at an apple orchard? Where’d you go and with who, if so?

39. What smells come to mind when you think of the fall season?

40. What images come to mind when you think of the fall season?

41. Have you ever carved a pumpkin before? If so, do you remember what you carved into the pumpkin?

42. If you’ve been trick-or-treating before, what’s one memory you have from trick-or-treating?


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I hope you enjoyed these fun prompts for the fall season! Fall is such a great time because so much of the year is gone, but there’s still a good chunk of it left. We have a bunch of holidays in the fall, and so many more upcoming, making this season a pretty busy one.

I hope these journal prompts help you reflect on your life, and that you had a little bit of fun answering and responding to them, too!


Do you need a journal?

If you are looking for a journal, you should check out this one from Amazon. It’s an Amazon best seller and it comes in multiple colors!

I like having a journal that has a good amount of pages, a ribbon to mark my place, an elastic closure band, and college-ruled paper. This particular one below from Amazon has all of those characteristics!


This post was all about 42 fall journal prompts.


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A few years after graduating college, Taylor made it her mission to become debt free. After paying off all $60k of debt, she began to blog about what she's really passionate about: personal development. Nowadays, Taylor blogs about the topics of Mindset, Money, Health, and Career for women. Read more about Taylor here.

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