200+ Goals For The Week To Make Progress In Life

Goal setting for the week is the absolute best way you can start off your new week on the right foot. If you want to set goals or set better goals so that you can really improve your life, you are in the right spot.

There are so many different kinds of realistic goals and personal goals that you can set for yourself. You can set smaller goals or bigger goals, but no matter what, writing your goals down and being intentional about them will help you have the best week possible.

To prepare you for the upcoming week, here are 200+ smart goals that you can choose from.

The best way to use this list is to choose the main goals that make the most sense for your life, and are things that you actually want to improve upon or work on.

You got this!


This post is all about 200+ goals for the week to make progress in life.

daily goals


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How do you write weekly goals?

Writing weekly goals can be a really simple process or a little more complicated depending on how you want to do it.

If you want to keep it simple, you can just focus short-term and only on your goals for this week.

If you want things to be a little bit more long-term, first identify your long-term goals or your larger goals that are usually a bit more difficult to accomplish because they take longer.

For example, “I want to lose 12 pounds in the next 12 weeks”. Once you have your long-term goal, you can break it down into a weekly goal. The question would be: how many pounds do you need to lose each week for the next 12 weeks in order to lose 12 pounds?

With some simple math, we know the answer to this is 1 pound per week. So, your new weekly goal would be “I will lose 1 pound this week with a combination of diet and exercise”.

Creating long-term goals and then working backward to determine what you need to do each week to accomplish that big goal is a GREAT way to stay focused for long periods of time.


What are some good goal ideas? What are some weekly goal ideas?

If you keep reading this post, you will see over 200+ amazingly good goal ideas that cover the topics of mindset, money, health, and career.

With these goals, you will take the action steps necessary to reach all corners of your life and be able to improve in each of these areas.


200+ Goals For The Week To Make Progress In Life:

Simply fill in whatever number or variable makes the most sense for each “X” in each of these goal scenarios.

For example, if the goal is “I will journal [X number of] days this week” and you want to journal for 5 days a week, you would replace the X with “5” and your goal is now: “I will journal 5 days this week.”


Mindset Goals For The Week

The following mindset goals will ensure that you are moving in the right direction when it comes to improving your mindset. Pursuing these specific goals will definitely have a positive impact on your mindset:


1. I will journal [X number of] days this week.

2. I will volunteer [X number of] hours of my time this week.

3. I will read for [X number of] hours this week.

4. I will meditate for [X number of] days this week.

5. I will spend time away from work doing [X activity] this week.

6. I will limit my time spent on social media this week to [X number of minutes/hours] each day.

7. I will pray [X number of] days this week.

8. I will listen to [X number of] uplifting/inspiring podcasts this week.

9. I will say [X number of] positive affirmations to myself every morning.

10. I will go somewhere new this week.

11. I will reach out to a new person this week to see how they are doing.

12. I will practice being positive in communication this week, instead of negative.

13. I will be consistent with [activity].

14. I will celebrate [my accomplishment].

15. I will spend [x number of] minutes learning about a new-to-me topic.

16. I will develop a calming morning routine and stick to it for [X number of] days this week.

17. I will think of 3 things I am grateful for every day this week.

18. I will look for the beauty in my surroundings on a daily basis.

19. I will set 3 short-term goals for myself this week.

20. I will set 3 long-term goals for myself this week.

21. I will return all phone calls I receive this week from family and/or friends.

22. I will work on my bad habit this week by doing [X – how you will curb the bad habit].

23. I will reach out to 1 person who inspires me this week in order to build our relationship.

24. I will genuinely compliment [X number of] people this week to make them feel good.

25. I will join one social club this week in order to meet new people and possibly make new friends.

26. Every morning this week, I will make my bed.

27. I will only check my email [X number of] times each day.

28. I will limit (or completely eliminate) my complaints this week.

29. I will make time to truly relax for at least [X number of] hours each day/week.

30. I will try a new recipe this week.

31. I will try a restaurant that I have never been to this week.

32. I will get a new weekly planner to organize my life this week.

33. I will shop for “new” clothes at a thrift store this week.

34. I will start thinking about my New Year’s Resolutions this week.

35. I will follow someone on social media who inspires me when it comes to personal development.

36. I will start one new DIY project instead of buying a new item.

37. I will unfollow anyone on social media that doesn’t make me feel good about myself.

38. I will practice being kind to myself when my inner-dialogue isn’t so nice.

39. I will practice brain games on my phone for [X number of] hours each week.

40. I will create a boundary if someone in my life continues to cross the line and makes me uncomfortable in any way.

41. I will reach out to a doctor to learn more about medications that could help improve my brain pain.

42. I will limit my consumption of news outlets to [X number of hours] each week if it starts to affect my mental health.

43. I will get someone that means a lot to me a “just because” gift to show them that I appreciate them.

44. I will send an email to someone who I look up to and ask them if they’d be willing to get a coffee with me.

45. I will take my dog to the dog park [X number of] times this week so we can both get some sunlight and exercise.

46. I will tell someone I love that I love them [X number of] times this week.

47. I will send a letter to [X number of] people in my life just to say “hi”.

48. I will send a text to [X number of] people in my life just to say “hi”.

49. I will send an email to [X number of] people in my life just to say “hi”.

50. I will wake up and thank God/the universe (whatever you believe in) for giving me another day here on earth every day this week.


first thing


Money Goals For The Week

This list of goals for managing your money are not only achievable goals, but they will help you manage your money like never before. The important thing is to set new goals that you are excited about and that you can stick with through the end of the week and beyond:


1. I will have [X number of] no-spend days this week.

2. I will update my budget every Monday with my expenses and income.

3. I will put [X amount of] money into my savings this week.

4. I will put [X amount of] money into my 401(k) this week.

5. I will put [X amount of] money into my Roth IRA this week.

6. I will put [X amount of] money toward my credit card debt this week.

7. I will put [X amount of] money toward my car debt this week.

8. I will put [X amount of] money toward my mortgage this week.

9. I will put [X amount of] money toward my student loan debt this week.

10. I will make [X amount of] money from my side hustle this week.

11. I will make [X amount of] money from my full-time job this week.

12. I will make [X amount of] money from my part-time job this week.

13. I will spend [X amount of] money maximum this week.

14. I will keep a buffer in my bank account of [X amount of] money this week.

15. I will pay all of my bills on time this week.

16. I will put [X amount of] money toward my emergency fund this week.

17. I will generate [X amount of] money in extra income this week.

18. I will donate [X amount of] money to charity this week.

19. I will start a college savings account for my child/children this week.

20. I will put [X amount of] money toward my child’s college savings account this week.

21. I will put [X amount of] money toward my sinking fund this week.

22. I will save [X amount of] money for a down payment on a house this week.

23. I will create a budget for my holiday shopping this week.

24. I will check on my credit score this week.

25. I will start investing in my employee stock purchase plan this week.

26. I will automate my savings this week.

27. I will hire someone to help me start writing my will this week.

28. I will hire a financial advisor this week to help me manage my finances.

29. I will get renters/car/pet/health/etc. insurance this week.

30. I will set [X amount of] items on eBay or Poshmark this week to make extra money.

31. I will set up my beneficiaries this week.

32. I will apply for [X number of] higher paying jobs this week.

33. I will put [X amount of] money aside for a vacation this week.

34. I will start the process of refinancing my house/student loans/etc. this week.

35. I will sign up for direct deposit for my paycheck this week.

36. I will start the process of finding a money mentor this week.

37. I will look up my credit reports to make sure they are accurate this week.

38. I will start a side hustle this week.

39. I will avoid any large, unnecessary purchases this week.

40. I will start reading 1 financial book this week.

41. I will apply for [X number of] scholarships this week.

42. I will close any bank accounts that no longer serve me this week.

43. I will make sure that all of my bank accounts are organized this week.

44. I will schedule a money date with my partner to discuss finances this week.

45. I will look for free things to do for fun this week to save money.

46. I will get rid of [X number of] subscriptions/memberships this week that I no longer use.

47. I will downgrade [X number of] memberships that don’t make sense for me anymore.

48. I will negotiate [X number of] bills this week to get a cheaper rate.

49. I will opt for paperless billing for at least [X number of] my bank accounts this week.

50. I will make sure to pay off my credit card in full this week.

51. I will think about something that I did last week that I really want to improve this week.


Health Goals For The Week

How much time do you spend improving your health each week? No matter the day of the week, these health goals (both big goals and small goals) will help you improve your health:


1. I will only eat out [X number of] times this week.

2. I will make my lunch [X number of] times this week.

3. I will cook at least [X number of] home cooked meals this week.

4. I will exercise [X number of] times this week for [X number of] minutes each time.

5. I will stretch [X number of] times this week for [X number of] minutes each time.

6. I will eat vegetables with every meal.

7. I will try to sleep [X number of] hours each night this week.

8. I will put my phone away at [X time] each night.

9. I won’t pick up my phone until [X time] each morning.

10. I won’t use my phone when spending quality time with my family.

11. I will read [X number of] pages from a nonfiction book this week.

12. I will read [X number of] pages from a fiction book this week.

13. I will reach out to a therapist for the first time this week.

14. I will schedule an appointment with a therapist this week.

15. I will attend my therapy appointment this week.

16. I will attend my physical therapy appointment this week.

17. I will lose [X amount of] pounds this week.

18. I will run [X amount of] miles this week.

19. I will reach out to [X number of] friends this week to catch up.

20. I will reach out to [X number of] family members this week to catch up.

21. I will take [X number of] walks this week.

22. I will create and stick to a morning routine this week.

23. I will spend [X number of] hours on self care this week.

24. I will reach out to [X number of] people and ask them to hang out this week in order to build new friendships.

25. I will “get ready” [X number of] days this week so that I can feel good about myself.

26. I will make sure to get outside for [X number of] minutes each day this week.

27. I will schedule all the doctor’s appointments that I need this week.

28. I will attend my scheduled doctor’s appointments this week.

29. I will focus on reducing my sugar intake this week.

30. I will only drink [X number of] alcoholic beverages this week.

31. I will only drink [X number of] caffeinated beverages each day this week.

32. I will aim for [X number of] grams of protein/carbs/fat in my diet each day this week.

33. I will get [X number of] steps each day this week.

34. I will wear sunscreen every day this week.

35. I will clean up my space for [X number of] minutes each day.

36. I will wake up every day at [time].

37. I will go to sleep every day at [time].

38. I will make sure to do my skincare routine every morning and night this week.

39. I will remove the makeup from my face every night this week.

40. I will brush my teeth at least twice a day every day this week.

41. I will floss my teeth [X number of] days/every day this week.

42. I will track my calorie intake [X number of] days this week.

43. I will start training for a half marathon/marathon this week by running [X number of] miles.

44. I will take my medicine [X number of] days this week.

45. I will take my vitamins [X number of] days this week.

46. I will drink [X number of] ounces of water each day this week.

47. I will make a to-do list of my tasks every day this week.

48. I will declutter my space for [X number of] minutes this week.

49. I will donate [X number of] items to charity this week.

50. I will take the stairs whenever I can this week instead of using the elevator.

51. I will think of some health goals that I may have slacked on this week that I really want to focus on for next week.


following questions


Career Goals For The Week

Long term goals start with small steps. If you can continue setting goals like this for your career each week, you will be well on your way to obtaining the career that you want to have.


1. I will network with [X number of] people this week.

2. I will connect with [X number of] people on LinkedIn this week.

3. I will reach out to [X number of] people to build relationships with potential mentors this week.

4. I will start a new learning or training program this week.

5. I will finish all of my tasks on time this week.

6. I will help a coworker or my team members with their projects at least once this week.

7. I will ask for a raise this week.

8. I will negotiate my salary this week.

9. I will have [X number of] interviews this week.

10. I will apply to [X number of] jobs this week.

11. I will write recommendations on LinkedIn for [X number of] my peers this week.

12. I will work [X number of] hours this week.

13. I will spend [X number of] hours this week writing a cover letter.

14. I will spend [X number of] hours this week updating my LinkedIn profile.

15. I will spend [X number of] hours this week updating my resume.

16. I will spend [X number of] hours this week updating my CV.

17. I will discuss being promoted with my manager this week.

18. I will ask my manager about working remotely this week.

19. I will start working at [X time] each day I work this week.

20. I will stop working at [X time] each day I work this week.

21. I will attend one social event at work this week.

22. I will start mentoring someone at my company this week.

23. I will send someone a reward or spot award this week.

24. I will make my workspace more ergonomic this week.

25. I will spend [X number of] hours working toward my certification this week.

26. I will spend [X number of] hours working toward my degree this week.

27. I will spend [X number of] hours learning a new language this week.

28. I will spend [X number of] hours learning a new language this week.

29. I will spend time trying to effectively resolve a conflict at work this week.

30. I will ask at least one open-ended question in each conversation I have to get to know my colleagues better.

31. I will enroll in a class to enhance my skills this week.

32. I will practice my public speaking skills this week.

33. I will lead [X number of] meetings this week.

34. I will conduct a knowledge transfer session or training session at work this week to practice public speaking and help share my knowledge.

35. I will take breaks as needed throughout my work day this week.

36. I will try using the Pomodoro technique to be more productive this week.

37. I will spend [X number of] hours reading one career-related book this week.

38. I will take on at least one new challenge at work this week.

39. I will create my 3-5 year plan for my career this week.

40. I will research what it takes to start my own business this week [X number of] hours.

41. I will research a new career path this week for [X number of] hours.

42. I will delegate tasks when necessary this week.

43. I will focus on improving my work-life balance this week by attributing [X number of] hours to do something with my family/friends/or that I love.

44. I will determine when I will retire this week.

45. I will spend [X number of] dollars on new items for my work wardrobe this week.

46. I will spend [X number of] dollars on work equipment that will help me do my job better this week.

47. I will improve my client relationships this week by dedicating more time to having meaningful conversations with them.

48. I will schedule meetings or coffee chats with peers in my organization to improve my network this week.

49. I will give helpful, constructive, and kind feedback to a colleague if it is asked of me this week.

50. I will attend a seminar to learn more about my field and network with others this week.

51. I will take [X number of] PTO days this week/or put in PTO this week.


This post was all about 200+ goals for the week to make progress in life.


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About Taylor

A few years after graduating college, Taylor made it her mission to become debt free. After paying off all $60k of debt, she began to blog about what she's really passionate about: personal development. Nowadays, Taylor blogs about the topics of Mindset, Money, Health, and Career for women. Read more about Taylor here.

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