Poshmark Picture Tips: Take Quality Pictures And Increase Your Sales


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Are you looking for Poshmark picture tips so that you can take better pictures and ultimately make more Poshmark sales?

As someone who has used Poshmark avidly for a very long time, I learned a thing or two about photographing an item so that it sells.

Below are the things that I do every single time I begin photographing an item I’d like to sell on Poshmark.

I’ve found that when I take pictures that embody the tactics below, I am most likely to make a sale! And don’t worry, you definitely do not need to be a professional photographer to take awesome pictures!


This post is all about the very best Poshmark picture tips to sell your items on Poshmark.

poshmark picture tips


Here are the best Poshmark picture tips:

If you use all of these Poshmark picture tips, you will have much better pictures of the items that you are trying to sell, and therefore a much higher chance of actually selling the item.


1. Do NOT use the Poshmark app to take pictures directly

The first thing to note is that you shouldn’t take your Poshmark pictures using the Poshmark app.

Something about the camera in the app and the frame of it makes the camera a little too constrictive, and you’ll often have trouble fitting the entire item that you’re trying to sell in the photo.

So instead, if you want to take great photos of your item so that buyers are interested, you will want to use a regular camera or your cell phone camera to photograph your item.

Once you take good pictures of your item(s) with your camera, you can upload your pictures to the Poshmark app.

In my personal experience, you do not need a very fancy or sophisticated camera to take good pictures on Poshmark and make sales. Using your cellphone camera will work just as well!


2. Take your pictures in a well-lit room, with nothing in the background if possible

All Poshmark sellers know that good lighting is essential.

I typically hang items on the back of a white door, with a white hanger. White makes the picture look cleaner, and therefore makes your item look more appealing. Then, I try to make sure that the window light is shining on the items that I am trying to take pictures of.

You want to make sure that you are taking your pictures in an area of your home (or wherever you are) that has good, natural lighting.

If you are unable to take pictures with good, natural lighting, you can always use a photo editing app like Aviary or Lightroom to increase the brightness of the photo.

Having bright photos just makes the whole experience better for a consumer and makes your item look better in general.

Make sure that when you adjust the brightness, you aren’t trying to hide any imperfections on your item. Increasing the brightness is strictly for the purposes of making the item look more appealing on a screen, NOT to cover up flaws!

Lastly, make sure that the background of your photos is clean and not cluttered. If your background is cluttered, potential buyers may feel that the clothes they are looking to buy are not clean.

You want the clothes to be appealing and come off like-new, so having a clean environment where you take your pictures is best.

If you are unable to get consistent natural lighting for your pictures (like if you work all day and when you come home at night to do your Poshmark pictures the sun is already down), you can use artificial lighting and buy a ring light instead. Most ring lights have “natural” lighting settings so if you don’t have access to natural light, that is definitely an option.

I recommend this ring light from Amazon:


If you really want to kick it up a notch, you can try buying a lighting kit on Amazon. With a lighting kit, you can ensure that you have decent lighting at all times when you want to take your Poshmark pictures.


3. If you cannot hang your item or it is small, take a picture of the item against a white background

If you are unable to hang your item, you can always use a clean, light-colored blanket or floor. In the past when I haven’t had a light-colored or white background to use, I bought a white poster board from the dollar store and used that as the background!

If you are going to be laying the clothes or items down on a white background, it helps to lay the clothes in the most aesthetic way possible. This is called a “flat lay”.

For example, let’s say you want to sell a blouse. In the picture, you can lay the blouse down flat, and include in that same picture a pair of jeans or boots that might look good with that blouse.

You do not also have to sell the jeans and the boots (unless you want to) – this is just a way to get the potential buyer to picture ways that they could wear the blouse if they were to buy it.

Whatever you do, don’t just throw the items together in a disorganized way. There is an art to creating a flat lay (I recommend researching it on Pinterest) but it also doesn’t have to be super complicated.

Just put a few items together in an organized fashion, and take a picture once you get those items displayed how you like them.


4. Take pictures of any flaws or imperfections on your item

Top sellers on Poshmark know that the best way to ensure that a customer is happy with their purchase is to be as honest as possible about the item that you are selling. If there are any flaws or imperfections on your item, you will want to take product photos of those imperfections.

Then, in your Poshmark listings, where you write “details” about the items, simply state the imperfections that your items has.

The last thing you want is for someone to receive your item, be so disappointed with it because they didn’t know it was torn/stained/missing buttons/whatever, and then return it to you!

This can lead to a bad review on your profile which won’t look good to other potential customers. And don’t worry, you won’t scare people off by showing the imperfections of your items in your pictures – I’ve sold many things with flaws and people are still happy to buy them!


5. Don’t “model” the clothing items that you’re trying to sell in your pictures

In my experience, people are turned off when they see the seller wearing the clothes they want to buy because they don’t like to think of the item they are about to buy as something that was once worn by someone else.

When you pose for a picture in the clothing item that you’re trying to sell, you remind that person even more that the clothing is used and (recently) worn. *If you model your clothes and it seems to work for you then by all means, keep doing it!

If you think about it this way – when you are online shopping and you see the clothing item that you want to buy on a model, you know that the very item that is on the model is not the one that is going to be sent to your house if you decide to purchase that item.

Poshmark, however, is different. If the seller wears that item, the potential buyer knows that it has been worn before.

Obviously the point of Poshmark is to be able to sell gently used clothing and items, but you don’t necessarily need to model the clothing item and further remind the potential customer that this item has been worn and used many times before.


poshmark picture tips
Poshmark picture tips: Use a flat lay like this to make your item look more desirable!


6. Sometimes when you upload your pictures to Poshmark, they will be cropped in a weird way and won’t show the whole item you are trying to sell

If your pictures are ever cropped when you upload them to Poshmark, you can use an app to crop the picture how you’d like.

Once you do that, then you can try uploading the picture to Poshmark again.

When this happens to me, I use the app “Square Ready”. It allows me to shrink the picture so that the item I’m trying to sell fits nicely and fully in the photo when I post it.


7. Upload as many pictures of your item as possible (16 total pictures and 1 video)

The more pictures you post, the more the buyer is able to see what you are selling, and the more confidence they have that what they are purchasing is exactly what they see in the pictures.

Make sure you take advantage of all of the pictures that Poshmark allows you to upload.

Take pictures of your item hanging up, laying flat, different angles – really take the best photos possible and even add in a video if you think that would help the potential buyer(s) better see or understand the item(s) that you are selling.


8. Your “cover shot” should be your best picture of the item

Once you are done taking all listing photos of your item, you will have to choose your “cover shot”. The cover shot or cover photos are the one picture you choose that represents your item the best.

The most important thing is that you choose the best picture that you took, and make it your cover shot.

This is the picture that your potential buyers will see the most, so you want to make sure it’s a good one!


9. Use stock photos of your item if needed

Another great way to ensure that you have the best possible pictures for your item is to make one of the pictures from the original seller’s website.

Let’s say you are selling a Zara jacket, and you really want a good picture of that Zara jacket. If you google the name of that jacket, you can probably find the pictures that the Zara website used when they were trying to sell that item.

Even if Zara no longer sells that item, for example, you may be able to find a picture of that item on Google!

You can totally use these pictures from the brands or original website as a way to demonstrate your item. Just be sure to mention in the details of your listing if the item that you are selling doesn’t look exactly like the item in that brand picture for whatever reason.


10. Take photos from close up and far away

Think about it this way – when you are buying an item from an online store, how do the pictures look? Are they disorganized, dark, and unhelpful? Or are they clear, close up and far away, with good lighting and even a little bit aspirational at times?

When it comes to taking Poshmark pictures, try to emulate what online retailers do!

You should take pictures of the item up close so the potential customer can see little details like buttons, lines, sewing, or anything else you think your customer would be interested in seeing.

Likewise, you should take pictures from farther away so the potential customer knows what the item looks like from a distance as well.


11. Make sure you take a picture of the tag

One other Poshmark picture tip is to make sure that you take a picture of any tags inside or on the item that you are selling. Oftentimes, customers want to know that the item they are about to buy is legitimate.

For example, if they see a Ralph Lauren title on your listing, they likely want to see the Ralph Lauren brand name on the tag to ensure that they are getting what they asked for.

Likewise, tags often have details such as size or care instructions — buyers often like to know some or all of these details when spending money on something, so you might as well include this information.



Well, that’s all for now! These tips have helped me make over $500 in sales in about 3 month’s time. Let me know if you have any questions at all in the comments below and I’ll answer them as soon as I can!

And by the way… Just because these things work for me doesn’t mean you HAVE to do them, and doesn’t mean that other things can’t work for you.

Everyone has their own unique style when it comes to selling on Poshmark. Try a bunch of different things to see what works best for you, and let me know how it goes in the comments below – good luck! 🙂

And if there are any poshmark picture tips that you think I may have missed, definitely add those in the comments as well!


This post was all about the very best Poshmark picture tips to sell your items on Poshmark.


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